
Is and shows
Magic, mystery, and more.

It is a very personal and humane experience.

You can see All and Nothing.

It wants to unfold in you,
To your innocence, your courage, and
Your Self Love.

Love, Light and Life is truly
The most extraordinary journey,
It cannot be understood,
It can always be lived


Light is mystery, magic, shining from beyond.
It is the most beautiful humane experience.
It wants to exalt.
It wants innocence, courage, and
Surrender, often allowed
Through desperation.

Can you see the Light in the Dark?

. . .

Life is magic, mystery, heaven and hell.
It is the most personal human experience.
It is the All and the Nothing.
It wants to unfold with zest.
It wants passion and innocence, 
Strength and surrender,
It needs courage
To overcame desperation

Can you live when you are afraid
to open your heart?

. . .